Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello New Year!

Happy New Year! Is it really 2012? I think that is the most common expression lately. As well as,  'Can you believe its already 2012?' 'I cant believe another year has gone!' 'Seems like New Years was just yesterday...' I actually cannot believe that it is already a new year but I am very excited for 2012! I have lots of big plans in store which only makes me more excited to get on with the year!

I have New Years Resolutions just like everyone else although, I know better than to make some crazy, off the wall, unattainable resolutions. Instead mine are quite simple. Last year I made one resolution: No Soda for ONE year. At first, it was very hard to not ask for a coke when eating my favorite Mexican food or filling up my drink at work with soda because I had no time to eat. My taste buds have even changed from no soda for a year! I use to be a Sweet Tea FANATIC! Now, all I can drink is UnSweet Tea. Since I made it through a long year of no soda, as simple as that seems. I know I can stick to other resolutions I set for myself.

My 2012 New Years Resolutions:

To Buy a Lottery Ticket Every Day! Some people would say that this would be a waste of money, but why not! With a chance every day to win money that would help my future, I say GO FOR IT! Let me know if I need to buy yours as well.

Blog More Often. I enjoy blogging but I found that its hard to turn my computer on when I get home from work or have a free clear moment during the day. I plan to blog about everything and anything at least 5 times a week. This way I can share all the funky, weird, quirky things that happen in my day to day life that no one would believe.

Go to a Synagogue at least Twice a Month: I feel like I don't know much about my religion except for the basics. I want to learn more, know more and connect more. I think this is also a great way to meet people and engage on a different level than work or friends.

Add more Physical Activity into my Daily Life: I have been lacking here for the last 6 months. I have given up because work has gotten in the way or social functions are more important. I want to go back to taking 'me' time and walking for an hour or exercising in the park. Too many excuses last year that will not be repeated.

I cannot wait to stick to these resolutions and see where it takes me!


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