Thursday, September 22, 2011

What is your favorite Decade?

September has almost come and gone and I have been a busy lady! We had a breakfast promotion at work the first week of September so that kept me going and going. The second week of September was our event week! Due to some changes, we decided to have a Customer Appreciation Week/Decade's Week promotion. Of course, with this comes decorations and some cheap food :) Because I honestly did not realize that this week was coming up so soon, I thought I had another week before this event, I didn't have everything together. While I couldn't go out and solicit great donations and decorations from companies, I could go to Party City and raid their store! The week was planned as the following:

Monday: 50's & 60's Day - .50 Chicken Sandwich
Tuesday: 50's & 60's Day - .60 Small Milkshake
Wednesday: 70's Day - .70 6-Nugget Kid's Meal
Thursday: 80's & 90's Day: .80 8-Nugget Entree
Friday: 80's & 90's Day: .90 Spicy Chicken Sandwich


In order to get any of these items at this price, customers had to come in dressed in that particular decade. All employees got to dress up and I even partook in dressing up for 50's, 60's & 70's Day! No pictures though because I am sure I looked ridiculous.


** Notice the Peace Signs hanging from the ceiling. NOT ONE STORE in the Atlanta area has anything to do with 70's decorations so I found scrapbook paper, traced a peace sign on the back and cut them out. It had 60 pages in the book, so we glued two together for different designs on each side to make them!

Decorating our large restaurant also took a toll on me that week. We had to decorate on Monday AM (5AM!!), Tuesday night, Wednesday night and take everything down on Sunday. It was definitely not something I recommend. I bought all the decorations from Party City, Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby and we even made some of the things.  

We hung records, some cut outs and blow up instruments from the ceiling for most of the days. We interchanged the cutouts for other decade themed items. When we moved to 80's & 90's, we removed the records and hung CD's. We also made Rubix Cubes!


Rubix Cubes:
1. Get a cardboard box from Hobby Lobby and black spray paint from Home Depot. Spray your box completely black and let dry.
2. Punch a hole in the tops or sides with a metal hole spike (you can get them at Home Depot. Turns out I got my dad a set for Hanukkah last year. Who knew!) and string fishing wire through the holes and tie.
3. Hot glue the tops and the bottom of the boxes together. YOU MUST STRING FIRST!
4. Measure the box, take 1 inch away from the height. Divide by 3 and that is how big your squares need to be! Cut the square out of foam sheets you can get at Hobby Lobby. Hot Glue them to the box!
5. Hang and accept all compliments!

While Decade's Week was fun, I am glad it is over!


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